1. G. D. P. and W.-C. S. thank the Herman Frasch Foundation for financial support and Dr I. Ujváry for helpful discussions. We are grateful to Professor W. Sauter (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich), for moth identifications.
2. Bovey, P., in: Entomologie Appliquée à l'Agriculture, 2/1, p. 456. Ed. A. S. Balachovsky. Masson et Cie., Paris 1966.
3. Arn, H., Rauscher, S., Buser, H.-R., and Guerin, P. M., J. chem. Ecol.12 (1986) 1417.
4. Prestwich, G. D., Pestic. Sci.37 (1986) 430.
5. Prestwich, G. D., Sun, W.-C., Mayer, M. S., and Dickens, J. C., J. chem. Ecol.16 (1990) 1761.