1. P. Beck, “A modified convex simplex algorithm for geometric programming with subsidiary problems”, Ph.D. Thesis, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N.Y. (1972).
2. P. Beck and J.G. Ecker, “Some computational experience with a modified convex simplex algorithm for geometric programming”,Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 14 (6) 1974.
3. R. Bellman,Introduction to matrix analysis (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1970).
4. R.J. Clasen, “The numerical solution of the chemical equilibrium problem”, The RAND Corporation, RM-4345 (1965).
5. J. Dinkel and G.A. Kochenberger, “On geometric programming and the chemical equilibrium problem”, paper presented at XIX TIMS Meeting, Houston, April 1972.