Supermassive gauginos in supergravity inflation with high-scale SUSY breaking


Jang HunORCID,Porrati Massimo


Abstract A model of supergravity inflation we recently proposed can produce slow roll inflation and a realistic spectrum of particles even without F-term supersymmetry breaking. Supersymmetry is broken only by a D-term induced by a recently discovered new type of Fayet-Iliopoulos (FI) term. Almost all supersymmetric partners of the standard model fields can get masses as high as the inflationary Hubble scale. The exception is gauginos, for which the vanishing of F-terms implies an exact cancellation that keeps their masses exactly zero. To cure this problem without spoiling the simplicity of our model we introduce a new term that further enlarges the space of supergravity effective actions. It is an F-term that, similarly to the new FI term, becomes singular in the supersymmetric limit. We show that this term can produce large gaugino masses without altering the spectrum of other states and without lowering the cutoff of the effecive theory.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC







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