1. The LAMP group: D. P. Barber, R. W. Clifft, R. A. Cunningham, J. B. Dainton, M. Edwards, E. Gabathuler, L.C.Y. Lee, L. S. Littenberg, R. Marshall, J.D.B. Rees, S. E. Rock, M. Sproston, J. C. Thompson, D. W. Tolf ree, D.L. Ward, D.T. Williams: Daresbury Laboratory T. J. Brodbeck, G. Frost, G. N. Patrick, G. F. Pearce, D. Newton, A. M. Osborne, T. Sloan: Lancaster University G. R. Brookes, W. J. Haynes, P. B. Wilkes: Sheffield University
2. D.W.G.S Leith “High Energy Photoproduction: Diffractive Processes” in “Electromagnetic Interactions of Hadrons” ed. A. Donnachie, G. Shaw Plenum (1978) ISBN 0-306-31052-X
3. J.K. Storrow “High Energy Photoproduction: Non-diffractive Processes” ibid [2]
4. R. Wiedermeyer, talk in these proceedings
5. Particle Data Group “Review of Particle Properties” Phys. Lett. 111B (1982)