1. D. J. ABSON, R. E. DOLBY and P. H. M. HART, in ?Trends in Steels and Consumables for Welding? (Welding Institute, Abington, England, 1978) p. 75.
2. R. C. COCHRANE and P. R. KIRKWOOD,ibid. in ? p. 103.
3. T. H. NORTH, H. B. BELL, A. KOUKABI and I. CRAIG,Weld. J. 58 (1979) 343.
4. R. A. RICKS, P. R. HOWELL and G. S. BARRITTE,J. Mater. Sci. 17 (1982) 732.
5. E. LEVINE and D. C. HILL,Met. Trans. 8A (1977) 1453.