1. Boateng JO (2007) The use of sheep and goats for the management of competing vegetation in BC forests. In: Olivier A, Campeau S (eds) When trees and crops get together. Proceedings of the 10th North American Agroforestry Conference, Québec
2. British Columbia Ministry of Forests (BCMoF) (1997) Silviculture prescription field methods book. Land Management Handbook 25, Forest Practices Branch, Victoria, BC
3. British Columbia Ministry of Forests (BCMoF) (1998) Provincial seedling stock type selection and ordering guidelines. Forestry Division Services Branch, Victoria, BC
4. British Columbia Ministry of Forests (BCMoF) (2000) Establishment to free growing guidebook. Prince George Forest Region, Rev. ed., version 2.2. Forest Practices Branch, Victoria, BC. Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Guidebook
5. British Columbia Ministry of Forests and Range (BCMFR) (2000) Sheep grazing in forestry. British Columbia Ministry of Forests and Range, Silviculture Practices Section, Victoria, BC Silviculture Note 26