1. Eric Amiel, Olivier Gruber, and Eric Simon. Optimizing multi-method dispatch using compressed dispatch tables. In Proceedings OOPSLA '94, pages 244–258, Portland, OR, October 1994.
2. Daniel G. Bobrow, Ken Kahn, Gregor Kiczales, Larry Masinter, Mark Stefik, and Frank Zdybel. Commonloops: Merging lisp and object-oriented programming. In Proceedings OOPSLA '86, pages 17-29, November 1986. Published as ACM SIGPLAN Notices, volume 21, number 11.
3. Craig Chambers. Object-oriented multi-methods in Cecil. In O. Lehrmann Madsen, editor, Proceedings ECOOP '92, LNCS 615, pages 33–56, Utrecht, The Netherlands, June 1992. Springer-Verlag.
4. Craig Chambers. The Cecil language: Specification and rationale. Technical Report UW-CSE-93-03-05, Department of Computer Science and Engineering. University of Washington, March 1993.
5. Craig Chambers. Predicate classes. In O. Nierstrasz, editor, Proceedings ECOOP '93, LNCS 707, pages 268–296, Kaiserslautern, Germany, July 1993. Springer-Verlag.