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3. R.E. Link, J.D. Landes, R. Herrera and Z. Zhou, Defect Assessment in Components-Fundamentals and Applications, J.G. Blauel and K-H Schwalbe (eds.) ESIS/EGF Publication 9, Mechanical Engineering Publications Limited (1991) 707?721.
4. G.P.Gibson and S.G.Druce, Advances in Fracture Research, Proceedings of ICF-7, vol. 1 (1989) 181?188.
5. J.D. Landes and Z. Zhou, ?A Ductile Fracture Mechanics Methodology for Predicting Pressure Vessels and Piping Failure?, presented at the 1991 ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference, San Diego, CA, June 1991 (PVP-vol. 213).