1. Hurst, E. 1942. The Poison Plants of New South Wales. Sidney. N.S.W. Poison Plants Committee.
2. Price, D. A. and W. T. Hardy. 1953. J.A.V.M.A.122: 223.
3. Burgess, P. S. 1934.Cercocarpus andAcacia Species Lethal by HCN. Ariz. Agr. Expt. Sta. Ann. Dept.45: 44.
4. Gardner, C. A. and H. W. Bennetts. 1956. The Toxic Plants of Western Australia. Perth. Western Australian Newspapers.
5. Bell, A. T., L. G. Newton, S. L. Everist and J. Legg. 1955. Aust. Vet. J.31: 249.