1. Barwise, J. (1977). Introduction to first order logic. In J. Barwise (Ed.), Handbook of mathematical logic (pp. 5–46). North Holland.
2. Fitting, M. (1991). Modal logic should say more than it does. In J.-L. Lassez, & G. Plotkin (Eds.), Computational logic, essays in honor of Alan Robinson (pp. 113–135). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press (The original paper (Plaza 1989) referenced only an unpublished 1989 version of (Fitting 1991)).
3. Gabbay, D., & Guenthner, F. (Ed.). (1984). Handbook of philosophical logic, (Vol. 2) extensions of classical logic. Reidel Publishing Company
4. Genesareth M., Nilsson N. (1987). Logical foundations of artificial intelligence. Los Altos, CA, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers
5. Halpern, J., & Moses, Y. (1985). A guide to the modal logics of knowledge and belief: Preliminary report. In Proceedings of the 9th international joint conference on artificial intelligence, 1985, pp. 480–490.