1. P. M. Tamrazov, ?Contour-and-solid theorems for holomorphic functions and mappings,? Preprint 82.42, Inst. Mat., Akad. Nauk Ukr. SSR, Kiev (1982).
2. P. M. Tamrazov, ?Contour-and-solid properties of holomorphic functions and mappings of one and several complex variables,? in: Internat. Conf. on the Theory of Approximation of Functions (Kiev, 1983), Abstracts of Communications, Inst. Mat. Akad. Nauk Ukr. SSR, Kiev (1983), p. 177.
3. P. M. Tamrazov, ?Contour-and-solid properties of holomorphic functions and mappings,? Preprint 83.33, Inst. Mat., Akad. Nauk Ukr. SSR, Kiev (1983).
4. P. M. Tamrazov, ?Contour-and-solid problems for holomorphic functions and mappings,? Preprint 83.65, Inst. Mat., Akad. Nauk Ukr. SSR, Kiev (1983).
5. P. M. Tamrazov and T. G. Aliev, ?Taking into account zeros and nonunivalence of holomorphic functions in contour-and-solid theorems,? in: Theory of Functions and Approximations. Proc. Second Saratov Winter School (1984), Part 3, Saratov Univ. (1986), pp. 109?112.