1. See, for example, Edward Denison,The Sources of Economic Growth in the United States (Committee for Economic Development, Supplementary Paper No. 13, 1962).
2. “The U.S. Economy: 1980,” Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 1673 (1970).
3. James D. Gwartney, “Discrimination, Achievement, and Payoffs of a College Degree,”Journal of Human Resources, Vol. 7, No. 1 (Winter 1972), pp. 60–70.
4. James S. Coleman,et. al., Equality of Educational Opportunity, (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1966).
5. See, for example, Frank Levy,Northern Schools and Civil Rights: The Racial Imbalance Act of Massachusetts, (Chicago: Markham Publishing Company, 1971).Hobson vs. Hansen, U.S. District Court, 269 Fed. Supp. 401 (1967). James W. Guthrie, George B. Kleindorfer, Henry M. Levin, and Robert T. Stout,Schools and Inequality, (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1971).