1. A = Samtliche Schriften un Briefe. Philosophische Schriften. Series VI. Vols. 1–4. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag. References to A are to the volume and page number.
2. Ar = Arthur, R. T. W. (Ed.) and trans. The labyrinth of the continuum: Writings on the continuum problem, 1672–1686. New Haven: Yale University Press.
3. G = Gerhardt (Ed.) Die Philosophischen Schriften. References to G are to the volume and page number.
4. LA = Mason, H. T. (Ed.) (1967). The Leibniz–Arnauld correspondence. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
5. Adams, R. (1994). Leibniz: Determinist, theist, idealist. New York: Oxford University Press.