1. Akeley, R.V., F.J. Stevenson, and E.S. Schultz. 1948. Kennebec: a new potato cultivar resistant to late blight, mild mosaic, and net necrosis. Am Potato J 25: 351–361.
2. Chase, R.W. 1984. North American potato cultivar inventory. Potato Association of America, Orono, Maine.
3. Clark, CF. and P.M. Lombard. 1951. Description of and key to American potato cultivars. United States Dept. of Agric. Circ. No. 741.
4. Darling, H.M. 1959. North American Potato Cultivars. In: Potato Handbook. Potato Association of America, Orono, Maine.
5. Folsom, D. 1945. Potato cultivars: the newly named, the commercial, and some that are useful in breeding. Am Potato J 22: 229–242.