1. M. A. Heald andC. B. Wharton:Plasma Diagnostics with Microwaves, Chap. 6 (New York, N. Y., 1965), p. 192.
2. E. P. Gorbunov andG. N. Ploskyrev:V Symposium on Fusion Technology, St. Catherine’s College, Oxford, 1968, unpublished.
3. E. P. Gorbunov:Proceedings of the Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Culham, 1965, Vol.2 (Vienna, 1966), p. 629.
4. V. D. Shafranov:Reviews of Plasma Physics, Vol.2 (Consultants Bureau, 1966).
5. E. P. Gorbunov, Ju. N. Dnestrovskii, D. B. Kostomarov andO. F. Mul’chenko:Plasma Diagnostics, Vol.2 (Moscow, 1968).