1. S. B. Weinstein, “Telecommunications in the coming decades,”IEEE Spectrum, November 1987.
2. S. Timms, “Broadband communications: The commercial impact,” inProc. IEEE INFOCOM '89, Ottawa, Canada, 1989.
3. S. B. Weinstein, “Personalized services on the intelligent wideband network,” inProc. 1986 Int. Zurich Seminar on Digital Commun., Zurich, Switzerland, 1986.
4. C. Floyd, “Outline of a paradigm change in software engineering”, inComputers an Democracy: A Scandinavian Challenge, G. Bjerknes, P. Ehn, and M. Kyng, Eds. Gower Publishing: Brookfield, VT, 1987.
5. D. A. Norman,The Psychology of Everyday Things, Basic Books: New York, 1988.