1. N. V. Mel’nikov, “Utilization of the energy of explosives and the fragment size of rock in blasting operations,” Gorn. Zh., No. 5 (1940).
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3. G. P. Cherepanov, “On the influence of the pulse on the development of initial cracks,” Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., No. 1 (1963).
4. N. V. Mel’nikov, L. N. Marchenko, and I. F. Zharikov, “Investigation of the influence of an air cavity on the parameters of motion of the ground in ejection blasting,” Fiz.-Tekh. Probl. Razrab. Polezn. Iskop., No. 5 (1976).
5. N. V. Mel’nikov and L. N. Marchenko, The Energy of Blasting and Construction [in Russian], Moscow (1964).