1. K. ARNOLD: An Attempt to Determine the Unknown Parts of the Earth's Gravity Field by Successive Satellite Passages, Bulletin Géodésique, No. 87, pp 97–101, 1968.
2. G. BALMINO: Representation of the Earth Potential by Buried Masses, In: The Use of Artificial Satellites for Geodesy, AGU, Geophysical Monograph, 15, 1971.
3. G. BALMINO: Contribution à l'Amélioration du Potentiel Terrestre, GRGS, Bull, No. 12, 1974.
4. G. BALMINO: Introduction to Least-Squares Collocation Lectures, Second International Summer School in the Mountains, Ramsau, Austria, 1977 (In print).
5. G. BALMINO, Ch. REIGBER and B. MOYNOT: The GRIM 2 Earth Gravity Field Model, DGK, Reihe A, Heft Nr. 86, 1976.