1. H. Landis, J. Unnam, S.V.N. Naidu, and W. Brewer:SAMPE Quarterly, 1981, vol. 12, no. 7, pp. 19–23.
2. S. Kohara: “Composite Materials”,Proc. Japan-U.S. Conf., Tokyo (1981), K. Kawata and T. Akasaka, eds., Japan Society for Composite Materials, Tokyo, Japan, 1981, pp. 224–31.
3. T.G. Nieh and R.F Karlak:Abstract Book, Westec Conf., Los Angeles, CA, March 22–25, 1982, ASM, Metals Park, OH, 1982, p. 45.
4. R.J. Lederich, S.M.L. Sastry, J.E. O’Neal, and C.R. Whitsett: “Superplastic Forming of Structural Alloys”,Symposium Proceedings, San Diego, CA, June 21–24, 1982, N. E. Paton and C. H. Hamilton, eds., TMS-AIME, Warrendale, PA, 1982, p. 403.
5. R. F. Karlak and T. G. Nieh: Independent Research and Development Program, Lockheed Missiles & Space Company, Inc., LMSC-D811899, Lockheed Missiles & Space Company, Sunnyvale, CA, March 1982.