1. Borghi, M., Katos, V., Ganarasvili, A., Favale, M., Mendis, D.: Illegal iptv in the european union: research on online business models infringing intellectual property rights-phase 3 (2019)
2. AAPA: Study on malware and audiovisual piracy highlights significant risks to european consumers. (2022)
3. Establishing the european electronic communications code
4. Directive (eu) 2019/790 of the european parliament and of the council of 17 april 2019 on copyright and related rights in the digital single market and amending directives 96/9/ec and 2001/29/ec (text with eea relevance.)
5. Liao, C., Lin, H.-N., Liu, Y.-P.: Predicting the use of pirated software: a contingency model integrating perceived risk with the theory of planned behavior. J. Bus. Ethics 91(2), 237–252 (2010)