1. Aiken, William, “Ethical Issues in Agriculture.” InEarthbound, ed. by T. Regan. Berkeley: The University of California Press, 1984.
2. Aquinas, Thomas.Basic Writings of St. Thomas Aquinas, edited by A. Pegis, 2 volumes. New York: Random House, 1945.
3. Attfield, Richard, “Christian Attitudes to Nature,”Journal of the History of Ideas, 44 (1983): 369–386.
4. Bacon, Roger.The Opsus Majus of Roger Bacon. Translated by Robert Belle Burke. 2 volumes. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1928
5. Baer, Richard, “Agricultural Ethics at the State Universities: Why No Input from the Theologians?”,Agriculture and Human Values 2 (Fall, 1985): 41–46.