1. DSB: Dictionary of scientific biography, 1970–1980, éd. Charles CoulstonGillispie, New York, Charles Scribner’s Sons
2. Airy (George Biddell), 1896,Autobiography of sir George Biddell Airy, éd. WilfredAiry, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
3. Jenkin (Fleeming) 1873,Electricity and magnetism, Londres, Longmans, Green and Co.
4. Maxwell (JamesClerk), 1871,A treatise on electricity and magnetism, 2 vol., Oxford, Clarendon Press (2e éd. 1881, 3e éd., 1891, réimpr. de la 3e éd. New York, Dover, 1954).
5. Maxwell (J. Cl.), 1881,An elementary treatise on electricity, éd. WilliamGarnett, Oxford, Clarendon Press.