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2. J.H. Thorngate, D.J. Christiar,Health Physics, 33 /1977/ 443.
3. W.J. McDowell, C.F. Coleman, Combined Solvent Extraction-Liquid Scintillation Method for Radioassay of Alpha Emitters, in “Proceedings of International Solvent Extraction Conference”, London, 1974.
4. D.L. Horrocks, The Mechanism of the Liquid Scintillation Process, in “Liquid Science and Technology” /Eds. A.A. Naugain, C. Ediss, L.I. Weibe/, Academic Press, New York, 1976.
5. W.J. McDowell, G.N. Case, Separation and Methods for Alpha Assay by Liquid Scintillation, in “Chemical Aspects of Nuclear Methods of Analysis”, IAEA-TECDOC-350, 1985.