1. Rennie, D., Yank, V. & Emanuel, L. (1997) When authorship fails: A proposal to make contributors accountable. Journal of the American Medical Association 278: 579–85.
2. Horton, R. (2000) The imagined author. In: Jones, A.H. & McLellan, F., eds., Ethical Issues in Biomedical Publication. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 30–58.
3. Australian Vice-chancellors’ Committee. (1997) Authorship. Chap. 3 in Joint NHMRC/AVCC statement and guidelines on research practice. http://goanna.cs.rmit.edu.au/~jz/write/glrespra.htm#g3. Site accessed 1 April 2003.
4. Society for Neuroscience. (1998) Guidelines: Responsible conduct regarding scientific communication. http://apu.sfn.org/content/Publications/Guidelines2/index.html. Site accessed 9 April 2003.
5. Danish Committee on Scientific Dishonesty. (1998) Guidelines concerning authorship. In The Danish Committee on Scientific Dishonesty: Guidelines for good scientific practice. Copenhagen: Danish Committee on Scientific Dishonesty. See also http://www.forsk.dk/eng/uvvu/publ/guidelines98/kap5.htm. Site accessed 1 April 2003.