1. Webster, J. (1996) Shaping Women’s Work: Gender, Employment and Information Technology, Addison Wesley Longman Ltd., UK.
2. Whirlpool Foundation (1996) Women: Setting New Priorities, Whirlpool.
3. Cockburn, C. (1985) Machinery of Dominance: Men, Women and Technological Know-How, Pluto, London, UK.
4. Adam, A. and Owen, J., eds. (1994) Women, Work and Computerisation, Breaking Old Boundaries: Building New Forms, Proceedings of the 5th IFIP Conference, UMIST.
5. Grundy, A.F., Kohler, D., Oechtering, V. and Petersen, U., eds. (1997) Women, Work and Computerisation: Spinning a Web from Past To Future, Proceedings of the 6th International IFIP Conference, Springer-Verlag.