1. D. Schuöcker, B. Walter: ?Theoretical Model of Oxygen Assisted Laser Cutting?, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser.72, 111 (Hilger, Bristol 1985)
2. D. Schuöcker: ?Laser Cutting of Bulk Steel (40 mm) due to Guided Flow of Radiation and Reactive Gas in the Workpiece?,Proc. 4thIntern. Symp. on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers, Stresa 1982, ed by M. Onorato (Plenum, New York 1984) p. 647
3. E. Beyer, O. Märten, K. Behler, J.M. Weick: Laser Optoelektr.17, 282 (1985)
4. D. Becker, W. Schulz, G. Simon, H.M. Urbassek, M. Vicanek, I. Decker: ?Physikalisches Modell des Laserschneidvorgangs?, 7th Intern. Kongress Laser 85 ? Optoelektronik, München (1985)
5. D. Schuöcker, B. Walter: ?Theoretical Model for the Formation of Periodic Striations during Laser Cutting?, 7th Intern. Kongress Laser 85 ? Optoelektronik, München (1985)