1. Abraham, R. C.: 1941, A Modern Grammar of Spoken Hausa, Crown Agents for the Colonies, London.
2. Bear, John: 1981, Gaps as Syntactic Features, MA dissertation, University of Texas, Austin [also available from Indiana University Linguistics Club].
3. Bever, Thomas G., J. M. Carroll, and R. Hurtig: 1975, ?Analogy, or ungrammatical sequences that are utterable and comprehensible are the origins of new grammar in language acquisition and linguistic evolution?, in Thomas G. Bever, Jerrold J. Katz, and D. Terence Langendoen (eds.), An Integrated Theory of Linguistic Ability, New York, Thomas Crowell.
4. Bergmann, Merrie: 1982, ?Cross-categorial semantics for conjoined common nouns?, Linguistics and Philosophy 5, 399?402.
5. Borsley, Robert: 1983, ?A Welsh agreement process and the status of VP and S?, in G. Gazdar, E. H. Klein, and G. K. Pullum (eds.), Order, Concord and Constituency, Foris Publications, Dordrecht, pp 57?74.