1. D. I. Cameron and G. J. Harvey:Proc. 8th Int. Hot Dip Galvanizing Conf., London, 1967, Zinc Development Association, London, 1967, p. 86.
2. Yong-Wu Kim and Ram S. Patil:Proc. 1st Int. Conf. on Zinc Coated Steel Sheet, Munich, June 1985, Zinc Development Association, London, 1985.
3. D. W. G. White:J. Inst. Met., 1971, vol. 99, p. 287.
4. J. J. Sebisty and R. H. Palmer:Proc. 6th Int. Hot Dip Galvanizing Conf., Interlaken, 1961, Zinc Development Association, London, 1962, p. 215.
5. W. Radeker and W. Friehe:Proc. 7th Int. Hot Dip Galvanizing Conf., Paris, 1964, Zinc Development Association, Oxford, 1964, p. 167.