1. Bauer, M. G., & Krebs, C. (2017). Rodney loses it! Scholastic Australia.
2. Carnegie Medal. (2020, October 10). About the awards. https://carnegiegreenaway.org.uk/about-the-awards/cilip-carnegie-medal-criteria/
3. Children’s Book Council Australia. (2020, 10 October). CBCA Book of the Year Policy, https://cbcacloud.blob.core.windows.net/documents/PL_007_09%20BOTYA%20POLICY%202021%20final%20version_BecEDJuly2.docx
4. Eagleton, T. (1983) Literary theory: An introduction. University of Minnesota Press.
5. Earth Charter International. (2021, August 30). Earth Charter, https://earthcharter.org/resources/