1. Franz Georg Friemel, Johann Michael Sailer und das Problem der Konfession. Erfurter theologische Studien, vol. 29 (1972), p. 345. The opening section, pp. 12–71, is a useful introduction to Sailer as a theologian. For his preaching,
2. see Karl Gastgeber, Gotteswort durch Menschenwort. Sailer als Erneuerer der Wortverkündigung (1964). Both these works have full bibliographies. For the term “kerygmatic,”
3. see Karl Rahner and Herbert Vorgrimler, Kleines theologisches Wörterbuch (1963).
4. Hubert Schiel, Johann Michael Sailer. Leben und Persönlichkeit in Selbstzeugnissen, Gesprächen und Erinnerungen der Zeitgenossen (1948), p. 526, testimony of a contemporary.
5. Johann Michael Sailer, Briefe, ed. by Hubert Schiel (1952), p. 261, letter of 3 January 1803 to Eleonore Auguste, Gräfin Stolberg Wernigerode, a Pietist who, with her family, was among Sailer’s most assiduous correspondents.