Plaatje, Sol T.: Mhudi
Breitinger Eckhard
Reference4 articles.
1. T. Couzens: S. T. P. and the First South African Epic, in: English in Africa 14, 1987, 1, 41–65.
2. D. Johnson: Literature for the Rainbow Nation. The Case of S. P.'s ‚Mhudi‘, in: Journal of Literary Studies/Tydskrif vir Literatuurwetenskap 10, 1994, 3–4, 345–358.
3. P. Mpe: S. P., Orality and the Politics of Cultural Representation, in: Current Writing: Text and Reception in Southern Africa 11, 1999, 2, 75–91.
4. M. Green: Generic Instability and the National Project. History, Nation, and Form in S. T. P.'s ‚Mhudi‘, in: Research in African Literatures 37, 2006, 4, 34–47.