Reference17 articles.
1. Allen, Richard/Turvey, Malcolm: Wittgenstein, Theory and the Arts. London/New York 2001.
2. Appelqvist, Hanne: What Kind of Normativity is the Normativity of Grammar? In: Metaphilosophy 48/1–2 (2017), 123–145.
3. Bell, David: The Art of Judgment. In: Mind 96/382 (1987), 221–244.
4. Budd, Malcolm: Wittgenstein on Aesthetics. In: Marie McGinn/Oskari Kuusela (Hg.): The Oxford Handbook of Wittgenstein. Oxford 2011, 775–795.
5. Gibson; John/Huemer, Wolfgang (Hg.): The Literary Wittgenstein. London 2004.