1. Len DeCaux, Labor Radical (Boston, 1970), p. 230.
2. David Brody, “Labor and the Great Depression: The Interpretive Prospects,” Labor History, XIII (Spring 1972), 231–244; idem., “Radical Labor History and Rank-and-File Militancy,” ibid., XVI (Winter 1975), 122.
3. Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, Selected Works (London, 1968), p. 97.
4. E. P. Thompson, The Making of the English Working Class (London, 1965 ), p. 12.
5. Ronald Radosh, “The Corporate Ideology of American Labor Leaders from Gompers to Hillman,” In James Weinstein and David W. Eakins, eds., For a New America (New York, 1970 ), pp. 125–152;