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2. Arendt, Hannah: Karl Marx and the Tradition of Western Political Thought. In: The Modern Challenge to Tradition: Fragmente eines Buchs, Kritische Gesamtausgabe, Bd. 6. Hg. von Barbara Hahn und James McFarland, Göttingen 2018b, 264–300.
3. Arendt, Hannah: Karl Marx and the Tradition of Western Political Thought. In: Social Research 69,2 (2002), 273– 319.
4. Erler, Hans: Hannah Arendt, Hegel und Marx. Köln/Wien 1979.
5. Forti, Simona: The guilt of the tradition: Arendt’s Critique of Hegel and Marx. In: Garrath Williams (Hg.): Hannah Arendt. Critical Assessments of Leading Political Philosophers. Bd. IV. London/New York 2006, 100–119.