1. I. Gullvåg, N.’s Pluralistic Metaphilosophy, Inquiry 18 (1975), 391–408
2. ders./J. Wetlesen (eds.), In Sceptical Wonder. Inquiries into the Philosophy of A. N. on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday, Oslo/Bergen/Tromsø 1982 (mit Bibliographic 317–318)
3. A. Wedberg, Filosofins historia III. Från Bolzano till Wittgenstein, Stockholm 1966.
4. V. Fatone, El Budismo »nihilista«, La Plata 1941, Buenos Aires 21962 (engl. The Philosophy of N., Delhi 1981)
5. Y. Hoffmann, The Possibility of Knowledge: Kant and N., in: Ben-Ami Scharfstein u.a., Philosophy East/Philosophy West. A Critical Comparison of Indian, Chinese, Islamic, and European Philosophy, Oxford 1978, 269–290, 329f.; K.K. Inada, N., Tokyo 1970