1. Sh. G. Napetvaridze, P. A. Gutidze, M. V. Gordeladze, and T. N. Dzhikiya, “Theoretical and model investigations of the seismic stability of a concrete arch dam, Izvestiya TNISGÉI, Énergiya,17 (1967).
2. P. A. Gutidze and M. V. Gordeladze, “Selection of the material for models of structures investigated for seismic stability,” Izvestiya TNISGÉI, Énergiya,17 (1967).
3. A. G. Nazarov, Mechanical Similarity of Solid Deformable Bodies [in Russian], Izd. AN Arm. SSR (1965).
4. P. A. Gutidze, ‘Investigation of the seismic stability of a concrete buttress dam on a model,” Izvestiya TNISGÉI, Énergiya,15 (1964).