Bishai Nevine,Nabawy Walid el,Fiki Mohamed El,Ibrahim Mohamed,Garem Nouman El
The goal of HCV treatment is eradication of the virus to prevent complications associated with the disease and decrease all-cause mortality. This work compared sustained viral response (SVR) 12 weeks after end of treatment of chronic HCV patients with different treatment regimens, namely 4 regimens. Two hundred treatment naive chronic HCV patients were selected and divided into 4 equal groups as follows: group A received pegylated interferon (peg IFN) and ribavirin (RBV); group B received peg IFN, RBV, and sofosbuvir (SOF); group C received RBV and SOF; group D received SOF, daclatasvir (DCV), and RBV.
The sustained viral response after 12 months of treatment is 57.23%, 72.09%, 64.40%, and 96.42% of patients in groups A, B, C, and D, respectively. Hence, group D regimen showed the best results.
SOF and DCV and RBV have the highest SVR12 and least side effects compared to other treatment regimens. Although group D patients initially had poor pretreatment investigations relative to other groups, they proved to have the highest tolerability to this regimen. Such findings hold promising line of treatment and better prognosis even for chronic HCV patients with poor liver condition.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC