1. A. Zarkades and F. R. Larson:A Review of Textures Found in Commercial Titanium Sheet, AMMRC TR 71-60, December 1971.
2. D. N. Fager and W. F. Spurr:Trans. ASM, 1968, vol. 61, p. 283–92.
3. F. L. Parkinson and W. F. Spurr:Mechanical and Metallurgical Characteristics of Titanium Alloy 6Al-4V, Report FAA-SS-72-13, July 1972.
4. D. Lee and W. A. Backofen:Trans. TMS-AIME, 1966, vol. 236, pp. 1696–1704.
5. H. W. Babel, D. A. Eltman, and R. W. McIver:Trans. ASME, Series D, 1967, vol. 89, pp. 13–18.