1. H. J. Goldsmid, ?Electronic refrigeration? (Pion, London, 1986) p. 58.
2. A. F. Ioffe, ?Semiconductor thermoelements and thermoelectric cooling? (Infosearch, London, 1957) p. 53.
3. D. M. Rowe andC. M. Bhandari, ?Modern thermoelectrics? (Holt, Rinehart and Winston, London, 1981) p. 29.
4. C. b. vining, in Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Thermoelectrics, Yokohana, Japan, November 9?11, 1993, edited by K. Matsuura, p. 126. (Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, Tokyo)
5. G. a. slack, in ?CRC handbook of thermoelectrics?, edited by D. M. Rowe, to be published in 1995.