1. Construction Norms and Rules, Part II, Sec. I (SNiP) II-I, 4-62 [in Russian], Gosstroiizdat, Moscow (1963).
2. Instructions for Design of Hydraulic Structures Subjected to Wave Action (SN288-64), Stroiizdat, Moscow (1965).
3. E. A. Lubochkov, “Protection of earth slopes against wave action by means of thin cast-in-place filterless slabs,” in: Proceedings of Conference on Engineering Methods of Protection of Hydraulic Structures against Destructive Wave Action [in Russian], Izd. ASiA USSR, Kiev (1962).
4. E. A. Lubochkov. “Construction of concrete wave-resisting revetments without expansion-slip joints,” Izv. VNIIG,76, Leningrad (1964).
5. Methodological Recommendations for Design of Slope Revetments in Earth Structures Subjected to Wind-Generated Wave Action (P52-71) [in Russian], Énergiya, Moscow (1972).