1. Heiken, G. H., D. T. Vaniman, and B. M. French, 1991, Lunar Sourcebook, Cambridge University Press, 736 pp.
2. Canup, R. M. and K. Righter, editors, 2000, Origin of the Earth and Moon, Arizona University Press, 555 pp.
3. Taylor, S. R., 2001, Solar System Evolution: A New Perspective, Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, 460 pp.
4. Schmitt, H. H., 2003, Apollo 17 and the Moon, Chapter 1, in H. Mark, Encyclopedia of Space and Space Technology, Wiley, New York.
5. Schmitt, H. H., 2003, Apollo 17 and the Moon, Chapter 1, in H. Mark, editor, Encyclopedia of Space and Space Technology, Wiley, New York.