1. See Heiken, G. H., D. T. Vaniman, and B. M. French, 1991, Lunar Sourcebook, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 47–59.
2. Vaniman, D., R. Reedy, G. Heiken, G. Olhoeft, and W. Mendell, 1991, The lunar environment, in G. Heiken, D. Vaniman, and B. M. French, editors, Lunar Sourcebook, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, p. 48. The velocity of the solar wind varies between 300 and 900 km/s with the average being about 400 km/s. See http://science.nasa.gov/ssl/pad/solar/sun_wind.htm.
3. Geiss, J., 1773, Solar wind composition and implications about the history of the solar system, 13th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 5, pp. 3375–3398.
4. Odensald, S., 2004, Ask the Astronomer, http://www.astronomycafe.net/qadir/q2732.html.
5. Heiken, G. H., D. T. Vaniman, and B. M. French, 1991, Lunar Sourcebook, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, figure 8.39, p. 444.