1. Bažant Z.P.—Numerical determination of longrange stress history from strain history in concrete. Materials and Structures (RILEM), Vol. 5, 135–141, 1972.
2. Bažant Z.P.—Prediction of creep effects using the age-adjusted effective modulus method. J. Amer. Concrete Inst., Vol. 69, 212–217, April 1972.
3. Bažant Z.P.—Theory of creep and shrinkage in concrete structure: A précis of recent development. Mechanics Today, Vol. 2, Pergamon Press (in press).
4. Bažant Z.P.—Thermodynamics of interacting continua with surfaces and creep analysis of concrete structures. Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 20, 477–505, 1972.
5. Bažant Z.P., Wu S.T.—Creep and shrinkage law for concrete at variable humidity. J. Eng. Mech. Div. Am. Soc. of Civil Engrs. (under review).