1. S. T. Rolfe and S. R. Novak, Slow Bend K Ic Testing of Medium Strength High-Toughness Steels, ASTM, STP 463 (1970).
2. M. Spewock and L. J. Ceschini. Fracture Toughness Testing of Large Scale Specimens, MTS Closed Loop, II, 5 (1970).
3. Method of Test for Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness of Metallic Materials, ASTM Standards, Specification E399-70T, 1970.
4. E. T. Wessel, State of the Art of the WOL Specimen for K Ic Fracture Toughness Testing, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 1 (1968).
5. W. G. ClarkJr. and L. J. Ceschini, An Ultrasonic Crack Growth Monitor, Materials Evaluation, 27, 8 (1969).