Network Structure Optimization Method for Urban Drainage Systems Considering Pipeline Redundancies


Lu Jiahui,Liu Jiahong,Yu Yingdong,Liu Chuang,Su Xin


AbstractRedundancy is an important attribute of a resilient urban drainage system. While there is a lack of knowledge on where to increase redundancy and its contribution to resilience, this study developed a framework for the optimal network structure of urban drainage systems that considers pipeline redundancies. Graph theory and adaptive genetic algorithms were used to obtain the initial layout and design of the urban drainage system. The introduction of additional water paths (in loop)/redundancies is suggested by the results of complex network analysis to increase resilience. The drainage performances of the urban drainage system with pipeline redundancies, and without redundancies, were compared. The proposed method was applied to the study area in Dongying City, Shandong Province, China. The results show that the total overflow volume of the urban drainage system with pipeline redundancies under rainfall exceeding the design standard (5 years) is reduced by 20–30%, which is substantially better than the network without pipeline redundancies.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Safety Research,Geography, Planning and Development,Global and Planetary Change

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