1. E. F. Sverdrup, C. J. Waide and A. D. Classer, in ?From Electrocatalysis to Fuel Cells? (edited by G. Sandstede) University of Washington Press, Washington (1972) p. 255.
2. T. L. Markin, R. J. Bones and R. M. Dell in ?Superionic Conductors? (edited by G. D. Mahan and W. L. Rother) Plenum Press, New York (1967) p. 15.
3. E. F. Sverdrupet al., ?Project Fuel Cell, Final Report?, Research and Development Report No. 57, Office of Coal Research, Washington, DC (1970).
4. A. S. W. Johnson and A. C. C. Tseung,J. Appl. Electrochem. 7 (1977) 445.
5. D. F. Nuttal, A. C. C. Tseung and M. Phillips,ibid 8 (1978) 361.