1. A. P. Gulyaev, "Decomposition of retained austenite in high-speed steel at a temperature below 0°C", Vestn. Inzh. Tekh., No. 5, 306 (1937).
2. A. P. Gulyaev, "Improved methods of heat treating high-speed steels to improve their cutting properties", Metallurg, No. 12, 65 (1937).
3. A. P. Gulyaev, "Treatment of steel with cold", Vestn. Inzh. Tekh., No. 4-5, 140 (1946).
4. M. M. Bigeev, "Transformation of austenite to martensite at a temperature below zero", in: Transactions of the Ural Branch of the Academy of Sciences USSR [in Russian], No. 9 (1937), p. 13.
5. A. P. Gulyaev, P. P. Grudov, and A. B. Badaeva, "Cold treatment of tools of high-speed steels", Stanki Instrument, No. 3-4, 3 (1949).