Keppler István,Bablena Adrienn
AbstractDrying harvested grain crops prior to storage is a crucial task in the prevailing climatic conditions of Europe. Drying is an extremely energy-intensive process. Its inappropriate application leads to environmental pollution, quality deterioration, and ultimately significant financial losses. Various methods are available for conducting drying operations, with the mixed flow dryer being one of the most employed approach. The mixed flow dryer utilizes air blower systems to redirect the flow of the granulate. Previous research has indicated that uneven distribution of grain flow around the air blower lamellae can cause drying irregularities. By leveraging insights from a long-established classical mechanical problem (the Brachistochrone problem) and harnessing the explicit dynamical modelling capabilities offered by contemporary computing technology (Discrete element method), we have successfully devised an optimized lamella geometry that minimizes the non-uniformity of particle flow.
Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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