1. T.K. Mukherjee and C.K. Gupta, “Base Metal Resource Processing by Chlorination,” Mineral Processing and Technology Review, An International Journal, 1 (1983), pp. 111–153.
2. H. Hohn, H. Pranter, and E. Schmiedl, “Working up Sulfide Ores,” Austrian Patent 189,799 (1957).
3. H. Hohn, G. Jangg, L. Patz, and E. Schmiedl, “Investigations on the Chlorination of Nonferrous Metal Ores,” Proceedings, International Mineral Dressing Congress, Stockholm, (1957), pp. 683–700.
4. A. Landsberg, R.E. Siemens, and T.T. Campbell, “Chlorination of Sulfide Ores,” Paper Selection A-73-21, TMS-AIME, Warrendale, Pennsylvania.
5. K.A. Smith and I. Iwasaki, “Chlorination Route to Copper, Nickel and Elemental Sulfur from Duluth Gabbro Sulfides,” Proceedings of the Annual Mining Symposium, University of Minnesota, (1976), p. 27.