1. See for example: Handbook of chemistry and physics, 64th ed., p. D-50. Boca Raton: CRC-Press
2. Palenzona, A.: Thermod. Acta25, 252 (1978)
3. Slebarski, A., Wohlleben, D., Weidner, P., Röhler, J., Freimuth, A.: J. Mag. Mag. Mat.47?48, 595 (1985)
4. Sereni, J.G.: J. Less Common Met.86, 287 (1982)
5. See for example: Proceedings of the ICM 85. Rhyne, J., Cooper, B., Huber, D., Koon, N., O'Handley, R., (eds.). Amsterdam, New York: North Holland 1986